About NTDA
"From Passion to Purpose"Our Story
Nritya Tej Dance Academy! Let’s start with the definition. Nritya is the dance, followed by Tej, the flame leading to enlightenment, all packed in a Dance Academy, to engage the learners to study dance intertwined in values, culture and principles of life. Such is the aim of the Nritya Tej Dance Academy.
The school opened its doors on the 14th of February 2016 in a Kovil in the region of Camp Caval, Curepipe, and since that day it took a vow to bring awareness about dance to its learners and the audience. NTDA embarked on a journey to teach the Indian Classical Art, Bharata Natyam along with some Indian Folk Dances. It continued its trip in the hall of the Neergheen Bhawan in Curepipe and it is currently nested at Curepipe.
In 2016, NTDA came up with its first show: ‘Facets of Bharata Natyam’. It presented the dance style into different forms: a prayer, an exercise, a yoga, and an art also open to the hearing impaired. In 2017, ‘Dancexercise with Bharata Natyam’ was organised to explore the health benefits of the various movements of this Indian Classical Art and in 2018 ‘Essence & Origins of Bharata Natyam’ was presented, by narrating through a dance drama, the mythology and history of the Sadir Attam; an ancient name for Bharata Natyam.
The Nritya Tej Dance Academy is run by Mrs. Tejsree Bhangeeruthee Beharee. To her, founding this school is a way to express her deep gratitude to Bharata Natyam and the knowledge acquired from the practice of this artform. The future projects of her school has as backbone, the propagation of dance imbued with values…human values for a better world.∎